
Aerogel products from Aspen Aerogels, Inc., including, (i) Pyrogel® XT, Pyrogel® XT-E, Pyrogel® XTF, Pyrogel® 6650, Pyrogel® 2250, Pyrogel® x350 family, Pyrogel® 6699, Pyrogel® HPS, Cryogel® x201 family, Cryogel® Z, Spaceloft® family, Spaceloft® Subsea, Spaceloft® 10251, ReGenaWrap® family, PyroThin® ATB family; (ii) the underlying manufacturing methods; and (iii) the fabrication of aerogel products include features protected by one or more of the following US patents:

US 7,560,062; US 7,833,916; US 9,181,486; US 9,476,123; US 9,593,206; US 9,868,843; US 10,233,302; US 10,233,303; US 10,246,554; US 10,253,159; US 10,487,263; US 10,590,043; US 10,227,472; US 11,046,815; US 11,072,145; US 11,208,539; US 11,261,380; US 11,380,953; US 11,547,977; US 11,549 059; US 11,588,196; US 11,597,814 US 11,634,641; US 11,702,346; US 11,807,734; US 11,807,736; US 11,870,084; US 11,912,579; US 12,005,541; US 12,100,848; US 12,103,291; US 12,172,902.

FOREIGN PATENTS: Furthermore, Aspen Aerogels, Inc. products are also protected by patents in other countries, including in Germany through the following German Utility Models: DE202023105118U1; DE202020005871U1; DE202021004280U1; DE202022002799U1; DE202022002863U1; DE202022106977U1; DE202022002839U1; DE202023101421U1; DE202023102463U1; DE202022002757U1; DE202022002795U1; DE202022002887U1; DE202023106249U1; DE202023106792U1; and DE202023002802U1.

Additionally, systems and methods involving aerogel products are protected by certain other patents. Many public databases provide a longer list of various patents and patent applications held by Aspen Aerogels, Inc. in the United States and in other foreign countries. One such database may be accessed from the European Patent Office’s ESPACENET.

Revised January 10, 2025

Notice: The information provided on this page is believed to be reasonably complete and accurate. However, not every claim of every patent necessarily covers every feature of every product. Furthermore, Aspen Aerogels, Inc. products may be covered by additional US and foreign patents and/or future patent(s). Therefore, this information is subject to revision and may have been revised in the past. This information is not intended to constitute legal advice or opinion about the patents, products, or infringement, does not waive any legal rights or remedies of Aspen Aerogels, Inc., and should not be used for any purpose other than determining whether Aspen Aerogels, Inc. has elected to mark selected products with selected patent information, e.g., as permitted under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a). Please contact a qualified attorney with any questions.