Flexible Aerogel Industrial Insulation for Cryogenic and Sub-Ambient Applications

Cryogel® Z is a top choice in cryogenic insulation because it offers protection against cold splash, jet fire, as well as acoustic attenuation in an ultrathin and lightweight package. Unlike traditional cryogenic insulation, Cryogel Z aerogel insulation is easy to install and can be used throughout a facility due to its flexible blanket format and does not require costly and time-consuming expansion and contraction joints. The cryogenic insulation blanket makes it ideal for installation while a process is in operation. Available in two thicknesses, Cryogel Z incorporates an integral vapor barrier with zero water vapor permeance to ensure maximum asset protection.

Most of the largest petrochemical facilities in the world entrust Cryogel Z insulation to protect their assets and ensure smooth operations. Cryogel Z has also been specified in nearly 50 major LNG liquefaction and regasification projects.

Cryogel Z Benefits

  • Streamline Logistics

    A single roll of cryogenic insulation can be used on vessels and pipes of various sizes which can significantly reduce the costs of material handling and inventory management.

  • Boost Labor Productivity

    Cryogel Z installs 30% faster than rigid insulations. This increased coverage per man-hour can lead to significant savings in labor resources.

  • Increase Energy Savings

    Cryogel Z has the lowest available thermal conductivity among industrial insulation, which can equal up to 50% less heat gain and boil off. This also reduces the risk of ice balls and iced lines.

  • Improve Operational Stability

    Cryogel Z does not require the use of contraction joints, which saves time, money, and eliminates a potential point of insulation failure.

  • Reduce Material Waste

    Cryogel Z’s flexible format means zero breakage during transport and minimal waste. It also reduces sensitivity to damage during prefabrication and modular installs.

  • Cut Construction Costs

    Cryogel Z is lightweight and ultrathin, allowing for a possible reduction in rack density and footprint during new construction. Smaller pipe racks and less structural weight may reduce steel and associated costs for beams, columns, and footings.

  • Simplify Maintenance

    Cryogel Z blankets are removable and reusable, allowing for easy inspections without the added expense of replacing the material.

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Installation Support for Cryogel Z Cold Service Pipe Insulation

Whether installing on pipes or vessels, Cryogel Z has a much shorter learning curve than rigid cryogenic insulation. It is ideal for any apprentice or journeyman who is looking to add another skill to their toolbox.

Our Technical Services team is available to travel anywhere in the world for hands-on training. Virtual training programs are also available. To learn more about our contractor training or for help writing specifications, please contact Technical Services.

Learn how Cryogel Z reversed a 2-month delay and enabled a facility to meet a first gas out milestone

CASE STUDY: Online Insulation with Cryogel® Z

Surging demand for gas and rising energy costs meant there was no feasible shutdown window to complete critical insulation repairs. Watch this case study to learn how Cryogel Z helped a propane facility stay operational while cryogenic insulation upgrades were made – enabling zero disruption to the refinery’s production.